Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I Love Our Cat

Could I love our little Devon Rex cat anymore than I do?

The older she gets, the more affectionate she becomes, as if she is surrendering her independence. We went to Mexico for a week in February and a friend of ours here at Catalina Spa RV Park, cat-sat. Well she came in daily to visit Sam, clean her litter box and freshen her food and water. Ever since our return Sam wants us around her all the time and whenever we go out she is waiting at the door for our return. In the evening, she stays in the living room with us until we go to bed, a new behaviour for her. (She's always slept on my pillow in the bedroom in the past.)

At night she curls up beside me on the bed where she remains until dawn and then she goes out to the livingroom to watch the birds out the window.

Right now she is sitting beside me on the couch while I write and the only reason she is there is because I have a computer on my lap, where she would rather be.

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