Monday, April 10, 2006

Trader Joes

I am not a shopper. Well, I should qualify that statement with I am not a typical female shopper. Sure I like looking at clothes and I have a deep affection for shoes but those aren't the things that get my adreniline pumping. I love grocery shopping.

Yes, that's right and particularly in cool stores. For instance, here in the Palm Springs area, I love Clarks, a local health food/grocery store where I can find anything from soup to nuts. My favourite store by far though, is Trader Joes, an American food store chain scattered across the nation. I love their house brand juices, cereals, breads and dried fruits and nuts. They have a great selection of wines to choose from which would serve me well, if I drank. Their cookies are to die for and many of their products are organic. Their frozen, wild fish are at prices that are hard to beat anywhere.

When we leave the states for Canada I am going to miss Trader Joes and will be looking froward to returning to them in fall.

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