Monday, October 16, 2006

Adjusting to Dry

Having spent the summer in Mission, BC, dry air was not something we had to deal with.

Mind you, it wasn't damp either; the weather was beautiful but in Desert Hot Springs the air is excessively dry.

Don't get me wrong; I love it and I'd rather be in warm, dry weather than cold, wet or snowy weather.

When we are here we compensate for the dryness by placing little indoor "air moisturizers" in a couple of places in the Moho.

They aren't noisy, take very little space, use even less electricity and are quite decorative.

For the next few months we won't use the exhaust fan when we shower either because every little bit helps to keep the indoor air comfortable!

The good news is we don't worry about mildew and wet towels and bathing suits dry very quickly!

1 comment:

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

I'm so envious. It's so cold here...
