Though I am whining about the unseasonable weather, up north in Mission, BC, there are some folks who are enjoying it.
Our "not quite as wee as he once was" grandson, Makai enjoyed playing in the snow that accumulated there this past weekend.
It was his first real experience with snow and he was really liking it!
We are experiencing very cold (for this part of the world) temperatures right now.
As we bundle up to keep warm all we can do is dream of warmer weather.
This picture is of the idyllic conditions we were enjoying last week.
Ahhh, there's nuthin' like the good ole days!
Rick has been creating some cactus gardens at Catalina Spa and it requires some serious effort.
Today with the help of Steve the manager along with some other helpers and a "Bobcat" some large rocks were put in place.
Here they are with Rick in the Bobcat working on the new garden.
As I wrote on our webpage, the weather across North America seems to be a little out of whack.
Vancouver and surrounding areas are under a thick, cold blanket of snow and central Ontario is basking in warmer than normal temperatures.
Today, here in the desert, we are experiencing much cooler temperatures and this morning with dark clouds moving in, we even saw a rainbow.
In between the two palm trees on the right of the picture you can just make it out.
For the past month, I have habitually been walking for over an hour each morning.
This morning, Rick accompanied me though we went much later than I normally do.
On our way back to the Moho, we came across our friend Vern who took this picture of us together.
This morning I left Winnipeg, Manitoba just after dawn.
The snow from overnight Thursday was still on the ground but the sky was clear and it appeared as though it would remain that way all day.
Soon after we took off heading west, it was pretty evident that the clear weather wasn't all across the country and we flew above the clouds making it impossible to see the land below.
The one thing I can say though is that it is always sunny up there, however I wouldn't want to step outside!
When I arrived here in Winnipeg last night, unlike Calgary, there was no snow on the ground.
My limo driver informed me that snow was imminent and to expect to see some this morning when I woke up.
True to his word, when I looked out this morning the city was covered with a thin blanket of snow.
I enjoyed an afternoon in a spa at another hotel nearby and afterwards I walked the short distance back to my hotel.
I took this picture of one of the streets as I was really is Winterpeg!
Today I flew from Palm Springs to Winnipeg, Manitoba via Calgary, Alberta. Typically at this time of the year we can expect Winnipeg to be colder and more wintery than it's western neighbour however today that was reversed. Though there is a glare, I took this picture through the window of the Calgary airport as I was waiting for my connecting plane. The ground appears yellow from the lighting at night but that is really snow!!!
Makai, our not quite as wee as he once was grandson, is developing quite a vocabulary.
Lately he will ask his mom to "phone Granni" or "phone Grandpa" a couple of times a day.
Tonight it was Grandpa's turn again and when he had the opportunity, Makai sang the alphabet song in it's entirety over the phone.
He sure is growing up so fast!
At the McCormick Car Auction we attended on Sunday, there were several collector cars parked outside of the auction area.
Some had subtle "for sale" signs on them but some were merely for show.
This was one on display and without the traditional windshield and roof, it was certainly strange to see!
Yesterday at the McCormick Car Auction we came across this pretty yellow T-Bird for sale outside of the auction.
It is a 1955 model, same year we were born, and had we had buckets of money, we would have bought it to be our "California Car".
(The colour even matches my hair!)
This is a picture of El Paseo Drive in Palm Springs.
Aside from some pretty cool stores, galleries and restaurants, the plants, palm trees and blue sky make for a pretty nice backdrop!
...that is the sound we hear each day as the avid "pickle-ballers" play their sport with much enthusiasm.
Though we are parked across the pond from the pickle -ball court, the plonk, plonk, plonk sound can clearly be heard.
Thank goodness they don't start playing until 7:30 AM by which time, I have been awake already for an hour.
When we lived in a bricks and mortar house, I had created a few perennial gardens.
Now that we are mobile, owning no land, we simply enjoy gardens wherever we are.
Because we are staying at Catalina Spa Resort in Desert Hot Springs for the winter, we planted a few plants of our own to colour things up.
We also enjoy the cactus garden beside our rig, not quite the same as flowers, but a garden just the same.
My sweet hubby is and always has been a hard worker.
Here at Catalina Spa, as a volunteer, he will do whatever task is asked of him.
For the past couple of days he has been painting at the office and he's doing a mighty fine job, too!
Wednesday is the gathering of the "woodcarvers" here at Catalina Spa & RV Park .
Vern Hesketh our resident bird carver here teaches this class and today I thought I'd take a picture of his "students" hard at work!
Does one of them look familiar!
Because we live and travel in a motorhome and we are currently in California, we are away from our wee grandchildren. This summer we thoroughly enjoyed spending the summer with them and we really bonded with Makai, our grandson. Modern technology (by way of a webcam) allows us to stay in visual contact whenever we can and it is a grandparent's saviour. Hopefully this way when we get together again, the grandchildren will know us and we will avoid any "making strange".
I know this mountain's picture has been posted here many times before but I just never get sick of it.
Each day I wake up and watch it change colours as the rising sun shines on it.
This morning on my walk (while I was cameraless), it went from shades of pink to shades of orange.
This picture was taken yesterday morning around 10:30 as we were heading out of the park for coffee.
I know I have written about Sam, our cat, many times since the inception of this blog, but as she ages (she is 11 years old as of September 27) she becomes more and more personable.
As a little kitten she rarely "went public", choosing instead to remain hidden out of sight.
Once we began full-timing, she slowly became more and more assertive and now no longer disappears if we have visitors.
Since arriving back at Catalina Spa, her favourite sleeping spot is in the living room, either on the back of the couch (where she can watch any outside activity) or on the Euro-lounger beside the TV.
Reluctantly, she even lets us take her picture!
Rick is a budding woodcarver, thanks to the tutelage of Vern Hesketh a fellow RVer and an award winning carver staying at Catalina Spa for the winter.
This season Vern is teaching his "students" to carve a Saw-Whet Owl (a tiny little fellow).
Here is Rick's owl, which is already beginning to take shape after only one class and a little homework.
Not bad at all!
My "wee" grandson Makai got his hands on some scotch tape. Whether he was trying to taste it or use it to silence himself remains unknown. His mom managed to take this picture just after he was found all taped up!
When Rick and I are here at Catalina Spa, we are on the go a lot. Most days I am out the door by 6:00 AM and Rick, by 7:00 AM. With the exception of a quick shower before work or a quick lunch at noon, we aren't back at the Moho until after 3:00 PM. It is at that time when one of us opens the door that we find this little Miss patiently waiting for her owners to return!It makes "coming home" even more special!
When we lived in a brick & mortar house we planted several perennial gardens. Once we hit the road, gardening was just no longer part of our vocabulary but recently we have purchased a few shrubs to plant at our RV site. Though it is just where we are parked for a few months and we don't own the site, the plants are our gift to ourselves while we are here and to the park while we are gone. Here is one of our new hibiscus plants!
It is at this time of year that pomegranates are in season and in this part of the world they are readily available for a reasonable price. The Costco store in Palm Desert carries packaged pomegranate seeds which we use in salads and they are delicious, as well as being healthy. One of my favourite treats is to peel a pomegranate and eat the ruby red seeds and tonight I managed to make time to do so. Mmmmm!
Yesterday we rode our motorcycle to Big Bear Lake in the San Bernadino Forest.
Though we were hot while in Desert Hot Springs, the temperature changed dramatically in the mountains.
Hence, there were no boaters at Big Bear Lake (though there were several fisherman) and the lake was like a mirror.
Today when we returned from our motorcycle ride the sun was beginning to set and the result was an incredible sky.
As soon as I got off the bike and removed my helmet, I took out my camera and began taking pictures.
How cool is this?
Beside our site at Catalina Spa RV Park, there is a garden. Though it isn't blooming with flowers it is flourishing with cacti. We have recently added to it, a bird bath along with a feeder. I think it's looking pretty good!
After we left Mission, BC and our grandchildren in September, Karley took Makai to an indoor play gym to help him "not miss" us so much.
He spent the afternoon playing with Karley and other kids at the various "play-stations".
Here he is buried in colurful balls obviously not missing his Granni & Grandpa at all!
Makai, our almost-2-year-old grandson, has been sucking his thumb since before he was born.
(An ultra sound picture showed him doing the deed!)
Recently, his little, 4-month old sister has followed in his footsteps and has discovered that her thumb is suckable too!
Hmmm...does it run in the family?
Yesterday Karley dressed our wee grandkids up for Halloween.
They evidently had a good time and even collected some candy at the local moms and tots party.
We're missing our little darlings but fortunately with the internet, getting the latest pictures is easy!