Thursday, April 06, 2006

Tax Time

In Canada, we have to have our taxes in by the end of this month, hence, yours truly, the great procrastinator, spent much of yesterday ripping my hair out. I hate working with numbers, never has been my thing, though I have spent much of my adult life being the "bookkeeper".

In my cleaning service I was the administrator/bookkeeper and at the resort, because I liked working with computers, the "books" became my responsibility again. In this nomadic lifestyle, my sweet husband actually records our expenses and maintains a spreadsheet, but at tax time I get to do the number crunching. Yikes!!

The good news is that I should have the information completely compiled by the end of today enough to send it off to our trusty accountant back home. Thank Gawd for email! I hate working with numbers enough and have such little faith in my abilities that I think it is well worth the cash to have an expert put it all together for Rev Canada.

Did I mention I hate working with numbers?

1 comment:

She Weevil said...

Weird synergy: I've just filed John's tax return!