On Wednesdays Vern Hesketh teaches "bird carving" at Catalina Spa and RV Park and he has a number of class attendees. This year they carved Saw Whet Owls which have turned out very well. Now the "Carvers" are painting and mounting their wooden birds. Here they are, hard at work.
On the weekend we went to Quartzsite, Arizona to explore it and see for ourselves what it is we have been hearing about for years.
It is a phenomenon unlike any other where one can see almost anything imaginable.
In fact we even found Elvis!
I am shocked at how long it has been since I posted here. When this blog was first created, it took me a whole year to post again. I took another year before I posted the next entry but since then I have religiously added a posting daily. Occasionally I would miss a day, maybe even two or three but I would backdate my posts to reflect daily entries.I knew I hadn't updated this for a few days but I really didn't realize it had been a whole week since I posted last. This morning I was prepared to create and enter three, possibly four entries but SEVEN!!!!!! I don't think so.So here I am posting on today's date with something I am writing today. I won't make up for the past week so my blog will have a seven-day gap for ever more.Sorry folks, I'll be back to daily entries once again. I guess I just needed a break!
This is a photograph of the sunset we saw from Saturday as we were driving back to Desert Hot Springs from Quartzsite, Arizona.
Today is a windy day; no big surprise in the Coachella Valley. However what is a surprise is the direction that the wind is blowing from..the northeast. Usually, (or so it seems) the wind comes in from the west. Because of the direction the wind is coming from it is also chillier than we like it to be. It can stop anytime and we really won't complain!
It is an orange day today. By that I mean I spent some time juicing a huge bag of fresh tangerines and wrote about it on our website. In honour of the colour, I thought I'd post this picture of a buggy we saw last weekend while we were at the 29 Palms Inn. Cinderella anyone?
Since we have been making Catalina Spa Resort our winter home, Rick, my gifted husband has become "The Gardener". Actually there is a lady who is the designated gardener and she does a wonderful job but my Rickey has been moving cacti and building new gardens this year. Perhaps he should be known as the "Garden Architect"?
Further to my ode to Mother Nature from yesterday's entry, it seem it's warm where it should be cold, cold where it should be warm. North America isn't the only place getting wacky weather, it is a global problem. Should we prepare for mass flooding? Is this the shape of things to come? Is it something we, the human race has created? Or is it just evolutuion? What do you think?
It seems Mother Nature is a little off beat right now.
All over North America, the weather is a little cockeyed.
In fact in some places it is just downright nasty (Texas is very cold right now) and southern California is experiencing a chilly period.
Fortunately in Desert Hot Springs we are seeing plenty of sunshine and blue sky and with scenery like this it is easy to forgive Mother Nature for her little oversight!
Today we had a larger than normal turnout at our Blogging class as you can see. (usually we have only 5 or 6 participants.)It was fun, frustrating and rewarding but we had some successful blogs created as a result. I think traveling and Blogging should go hand in hand, hence why I teach the class and every new Blog is my payment!
Yesterday we ventured up to Twenty Nine Palms for coffee and breakfast. We checked out the 29 Palms Inn and after our meal walked around the property where we came across a pond. Because of the frigid weather the pond had a skiff of ice on it, enough to confuse the ducks who quite likely have never experienced ice before. They did seem a little bewildered!
I titled this "Signs of Winter" with question marks. I suppose it is because I just don't think of snow as a typical winter sign in the desert. It dropped well below freezing here last night and the withered hibiscus shrub behind our rig evidently didn't like it. Around us there is a slight dusting of snow on the mountain peaks and up in Yucca Valley, north of and at a higher elevation than Desert Hot Springs, there was snow on roofs and evidence of the white stuff at the side of the road. Let's hope these signs disappear quickly!!
It is cold here right now; reaching a high of only 10C ( 50F) and for Desert Hot Springs, that is frigid.
When it's like this I just want to stay inside and keep warm.
Today, I spent my day watching TV, doing some computer work and cooking; my favourite forms of relaxation.
This picture was taken last week when the weather was warmer of my bro-in-law who was relaxing in one of his favourite ways!
One of my hubby's "jobs" at Catalina Spa RV Park has been to build some cactus gardens. He has been getting more and more experienced and in the process, has endured a few "stabbings" from the cactus thorns. Fortunately this is not one of the cacti that he will be transplanting; these are some in the garden beside our Moho.
On Monday after taking my son Jamie to the airport, Rick and I, my sister, Christine and her hubby, Fred, drove back to our rental condo.
We'd had some busy days and Christine and I wanted to relax before we engaged in anymore activities.
Fred and Rick used that time to go to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.
Though they missed the last tour of the day, they were able to go into the infield to take some pictures.
My sister and I enjoyed the quiet and the men enjoyed being "boys".
My brother-in-law, Fred took many pictures while he was visiting us.
Before he left I asked him if I could have a copy of some of them.
He loaned me his memory card and lo and behold, there were many pictures I liked, some from several months ago as well.
I am guessing that this is a picture of my niece's (Jody) horses.
Today we returned to Desert Hot Springs after spending a long weekend in Las Vegas with family.
The weather has been sunny since we arrived there on Saturday and today was no exception.
It was a perfect day for a drive but we hear it is shortlived.
By Friday, the forecasters are calling for freezing temperatures in Vegas, much colder than normal.
I guess we'll see!
Only in Vegas can you be in the east while being in the west.
On "The Strip" you'll find New York City, New Orleans, the Greek Islands, Australia, Paris, Venice, Rome, Egypt and the Tropics, to name a few.
Here you can step back in time and go well into the future; all while visiting but one city!
No wonder so many folks come here!
Today my hubby, Rickey Hollingshead turned 52 years old.
We drove with my sister Christine, her hubby, Fred and my youngest son, Jamie to Las Vegas to celebrate.
Here we are at the condo we rented just after arriving in Sin City!
Happy Birthday Rick!
My sister, Christine and Fred, her husband are visiting us in Desert Hot Springs. While Rick and I have been working they have been doing some sight seeing. Yesterday they took this picture of the desert sky as the sun was going down!
My youngest son Jamie is here visiting us for a couple of days in Desert Hot Springs.
Somethings just never seem to change and here he is laying on the bed watching TV, something he did when he lived at home.
And typical to the past, he doesn't like to get his picture taken either.
There's something to be said for desert living in the winter.
Though the evenings cool down considerably, the daytime temperatures hover in the low 20's most days.
I think for me the biggest attraction is the consistency of the weather and the clear, blue sky every morning.
I remember years ago thinking that I would never be a snowbird; a person living in the north going south for the winter.
I convinced myself that I like the winter, the snow and the changes in the seasons.
After spending two weeks in Mission, loving every second with my grandchildren but hating being cold, I realize that I like being a "snowbird".
I like how pretty the snow looks at Christmas, the sound of rain on a roof and the smell of a crisp winter day. I don't like being cold....at all....ever...I AM a Snowbird and proud of it!
Happy New Year one and all! May 2007 bring you peace, happiness, good health and love.